Farmers Info
We have recently sent out Farmers Starter Kits to both small and large acreage farmers in most states of Australia.
Price of Kit. $250.00 plus postage handling.
The kit consists of approx 20kgs of top quality vermicast,(sufficient to make enough worm tea to cover approx. 50acres) 5000 compost worms (approx) . an aerating pump, a spray nozzle and David Murphy's Book, "Organic Growing with Worms, subtitled 'a handbook for a better environment.'
The kit also comes with full instructions in how to make your own worm tea and how to grow your own worms.
Farmers following our methods have been able to drastically slash their fertiliser bill. One broadacre farmer has reduced his inputs from over $100.000.00 down to less than $20.000.00.
NOTE. Prior to receiving the kit, purchasers must have bought a copy of our DVD, "The Secrets of Worm Farming" available through www.farmingsecrets.com.au
Purchase of this DVD enables the buyer to have a free 1/2 hour phone consultation with David.
We welcome visits to our property so that Farmers can see first hand, the results being obtained by working with Mother Nature. (by appoinment of course)